We are building a webpage to house new and old newsletters – all we can find – back to 2014 and beyond. Read our colorful July 2023 newsletter by Lauren Foster on the Archived Newsletters page under the About tab HERE.
Archive for month: July, 2023
Notes from Wendy —-

Thanks for stopping by the VAS website! Our new board is so excited about the upcoming year. I’m Wendy Keeney-Kennicutt, the new president and webmaster and you can read my bio on our new “Our Artists” tab. This is a perk for all our members to showcase themselves and their art. All members are invited to participate!
- Our annual member show entry deadline has been extended – Friday, August 25th. The name is “Aqua Vita” and the theme is all about water – its physical and its symbolic aspects. Take a look at the Call for Art!
- We are bringing back the popular “Wednesday Painters” for our members under a new name – “Art Together.” For the summer, we met on Tuesday: 7/11/23 and we have another “Art Together” on Tuesday 8/22/23, 1-4pm at Degallery, but this will move to Wednesdays in September. Bring your art creating supplies, which includes cameras & computers, for an afternoon of making art and sharing ideas. We will be raising money for the organization by taking high quality digital photographs (~24 MB) of members’ art for a reasonable fee, suitable for making good prints and uploading to websites like Fine Art America. Our first session will be in conjunction with our August “Art Together.” on Tuesday, 8/22 1-4pm. We will play it by ear and see how it goes. This is a perk for members only, but this might be worth joining VAS for this benefit. Click HERE to joi
- We do have two more shows scheduled, one in January 2024 at The Arts Council of the Brazos Valley, and our .show in April, 2024. We now have themes! The January show is entitled “Resolutions: New Beginnings,” We encourage artists to explore the theme of new beginnings by thinking about the challenges, rewards and images of starting over, as well as the power of art to help us visualize our hopes and dreams for the future. This prompt is very open and subject to many different interpretations. The spring judged art show has the title “Art in Bloom.” I see a cacophony of color! The details aren’t finalized so the Calls for Art are not posted.
- We are working with Destination Bryan and their Downtown Bryan Street & Art Fair 2024 on April 13, 2024 10am-6pm. We are organizing a Plein Air event. We ran our first “Paint Out” in April with good success, so we are excited to continue. More info will be forthcoming.
- Our meetings in the fall and spring will be the 2nd Monday of the month. Doors open at 5:30pm and meeting runs 6-7pm at Degallery. Member Joel Kitchens will be sharing his unique photographic talents at September’s get-together. Read more HERE.
- I’m in the process of updating our website, Aggieland Art Trail. So, if you have a suggestion for an art stop, please email me at webmaster@visualartsociety.org The Aggieland Art Trail also has a public Facebook group, so stop by and join!
Thanks for reading “Wendy’s Notes.” Hope to hear from you soon.
Wendy :)