Our 2024 2025 annual spring judged show, “All Things Bright & Beautiful,” celebrates the interplay of color, light, and form.. See the Call for Entry for more information. Contact shows@visualartsociety.org with any show questions and webmaster@visualartsociety.org for your technical and payment issues.
- Online submissions are open now.
- Entry Deadline: Monday April 7, 2025
- Notification of acceptance: by April 14, 2025 (Due to the contraints of the gallery size, a committee of VAS members will be jurying the show. This means that not all of your pieces may be selected. Like most juried shows, your entry fees will not be refunded if your art is not chosen).
- Current Members: $35 for 1-3 entries, and $10 for each additional entry up to a total of 6.
- Non-members: $50 for 1-3 entries, and $10 for each additional entry up to a total of 6.
- High School Students: $5 per entry up to 3 total.
- You have the option to save a draft of your form to complete your registration as long as it is submitted by the deadline. Email Wendy at webmaster@visualartsociety.org if there is a problem. When you reopen your draft, you will have to reenter your images.
- If you are not a current member, you may join or renew online to get the lower entry fee plus other member perks.
Complete all fields for Entries 1-3. You do have the opportunity to save the form as a draft before submitting.